Whether you’re looking for help with an application, financial assistance, part-time work, or full-time summer positions, you've come to the right place!
I'm a Student
Youth Job Connection (Ages 15 – 29)
Youth Job Connection (YJC) is a program committed to helping young people from 15 to 29 years old find and keep jobs. We help vulnerable youth who experience multiple, complex barriers when securing long-term employment. Our intent is to match young people with placement opportunities and establish a meaningful career path. This program is accessible to all young people regardless of their gender, race, age, financial stability and other recognized limiting issues.
We provide year round paid pre-employment training (60 hours) and job placements to a maximum of 26 weeks. Participants receive a minimum hourly wage per current minimum wage rates for the pre-employment training. Training focuses on career development/exploration, life skills, job attainment skills, employment related-skills, and job maintenance and career advancement skills.
After your training, participants receive funds up to $1,000 to help cover employment related costs such as work clothes, child care, and/or transportation costs. Exception are permitted to youth with disabilities that may require additional accommodation.
Call the Partners for Employment Centre at 705-372-1070 or 1-855-372-1070 to book a meeting with our Employment Assistance Officer or email info@pecpe.ca.
Youth Job Connection – Summer (Ages 15-18)
Youth Job Connection Summer (YJCS) is a program committed to helping unemployed youth aged 15 to 18 years old who are eligible to work in Canada and are experiencing difficulties between education and work.
We provide a paid pre-employment training (20 hours) and a maximum of 8 weeks for a summer job placement and 6 months for part-time placement during the school year. Participants receive a minimum hourly wage as per the current minimum wage rates for participating in training. Training focuses on career development/exploration, life skills, job attainment skills, employment related skills, and job maintenance and career advancement skills.
Call the Partners for Employment Centre at 705-372-1070 or 1-855-372-1070 to book a meeting with our Employment Assistance Officer or email info@pecpe.ca.
The need for a placement incentive amount is determine by the Partners for Employment Centre based on the complexity of job skill level and the length of the on-the-job training.
This Employment Ontario Program is funded, in part, by the Government of Canada, and the Government of Ontario.